Ballast Water Management System - BWMS

Ballast Water Management System - BWMS

Ballast Water Management System, abbreviated as BWMS. It is a set of devices and related technologies used to handle the ballast water of ships.

During the voyage of a ship, in order to maintain balance, stability and structural strength, etc., seawater will be injected into or discharged from the ballast tank, and this seawater is called ballast water. However, the ballast water may carry various marine organisms, pathogens, bacteria, etc. When a ship sails between different sea areas and discharges ballast water, it may lead to the invasion of exotic species into a new ecological environment, causing damage to the local marine ecosystem and affecting the diversity and ecological balance of marine organisms.

The main role of the ballast water management system is to process the ballast water to reduce or eliminate the harmful organisms and substances therein. It reduces the negative impact of ballast water discharge on the marine ecological environment through a series of technical means, such as filtering, disinfection, physical treatment, chemical treatment and other methods.


Mainstream technologies:

At present, the technologies used by the mainstream ballast water management systems in the market include filtering, ultraviolet disinfection, deoxygenation, electrolysis, etc. At the same time, with the continuous development of technology, some new ballast water management technologies are also constantly emerging, such as membrane filtration technology, advanced oxidation technology, and so on.

Among them, the filtering technology can remove solid particles and organisms in the ballast water; the ultraviolet disinfection technology utilizes the germicidal effect of ultraviolet rays to kill the microorganisms in the ballast water; the deoxygenation technology inhibits the growth and reproduction of microorganisms by removing the oxygen in the ballast water; and the electrolysis technology is to generate disinfectants such as hypochlorous acid by electrolyzing seawater to disinfect the ballast water.

Classified product technical principle:


UV Ballast Water Management System

Nitrogen TYPE BWMS.jpg

Nitrogen feeding and de-oxygenation Ballast Water Management System

Ionizing oxidation TYPE BWMS.jpg

Ionizing oxidation ballast water management system

Ballast Water Treatment Standard D-2

The main elements of the Ballast Water Management Systems Convention D-2 standard include:

Organism TypeRequired Regulation
Organisms,≥50μm minimum dimension<10cells/m3
Organisms, <50μm and ≥10μm minimum dimension<10cells/ml
Toxicogenic Vibrio cholerae (serotypes O1 and O39)<1cfu/100ml,or <1cfu/g(wet weight)of zooplankton samples
Escherichia coli<250cfu/100ml
Intestinal Enterococci<100cfu/100ml

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