What are the control methods for anchor windlass?

What are the control methods for anchor windlass?

The control methods of marine anchors windlass are usually divided into two types: local control and remote control.                        


The control methods of marine anchors windlass are usually divided into two types: local control and remote control.

Local control:

Local control refers to the way in which crew members directly operate the anchor through the control panel, buttons, or handles located next to the anchor equipment. Under local control, crew members can directly reach the control device, start, stop, lift the anchor chain or rope, and adjust the length of the anchor chain or rope through the control panel or buttons. Local control is usually used in situations where crew members are required to operate on-site, such as anchoring, hoisting, adjusting the length of anchor chains, etc.

Remote control:

Remote control refers to the way in which crew members operate the anchor through wireless remote controllers, ship automatic control systems, or other remote control equipment. Under remote control, crew members can control the anchor through remote equipment in other areas of the ship, even in the ship's cab. Remote control can improve the operational flexibility and safety of crew members, especially suitable for situations where crew members need to work or monitor in other areas of the ship.

Marine anchor machines are usually equipped wit local control or remote control or both methods to meet the operational requirements in different situations. The crew selects appropriate control methods based on the actual situation to ensure the efficiency and safety of anchor operation.

For more marine anchor windlass information, kindly please click here.


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