Basic technical performance requirements for marine cranes

Basic technical performance requirements for marine cranes

Although there are various types and structures of ship loaders due to their different construction types, driving methods, and manufacturers, the basic technical performance requirements that they should meet in terms of actual production needs                        


Although there are various types and structures of ship loaders due to their different construction types, driving methods, and manufacturers, the basic technical performance requirements that they should meet in terms of actual production needs are as follows:

(1) Capable of lifting the rated load at the rated lifting speed. Having sufficient power;

(2) Can easily and sensitively lift and drop goods according to the operator's requirements. It must have the ability to work in forward and reverse direction;

(3) Being able to adjust the operating speed within a wide range based on different situations such as the weight of the lifted goods, empty hooks, or landing of the goods, that is, being able to adjust and limit the speed;

(4) Whether in the process of loading or unloading, it can be stopped at any time as needed and the goods can be held. It can brake reliably. At the same time, all cargo cranes must be equipped with normally closed braking equipment and some mechanical locking device to effectively brake and lock, thereby ensuring safety.

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