Type C High Sound Reduction Wall Board

Type C High Sound Reduction Wall Board

Type: B50CGd

Fire Class: B-15

Weight: 16.6kg/m³

Product Sound Reduction: 45dB

Thermal Transmittance: 0.55Kcal/h℃

Core Material: Rock Wool 120kg/m³

Surface Finish: PVC film or Galvanized steel

Dimension: 50mm(t)*550mm(w)*length(max.3500mm)

Tolerances: Thickness°-1*Width°-1*Length±3



Ship sound insulation panels are mainly multi-layer composite rock wool panels. These panels are mainly of three-layer construction, with rock wool in the middle layer and steel plates on both sides of the panel layer.

The acceptable high sound pressure level in living rooms has been increased by 5-10db compared to the old standard. This requires higher sound insulation properties for marine interior panels.

The way to improve the sound insulation of composite rock wool panels is to increase the thickness of the panels or inter layer steel, but increasing the thickness of the panels or interlayer steel inevitably increases the weight of the panels, thus increasing the energy consumption and reducing the ship's transportation capacity.


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