Straight Type Storm Valve

Straight Type Storm Valve

Straight type storm valve is a type of valve used in marine applications to prevent water from entering a ship's hull during stormy weather or rough seas. It is typically installed on the ship's deck and is designed to automatically close when water levels rise, preventing flooding and damage to the vessel.       



Straight type storm valve is a type of valve used in plumbing and maritime applications to prevent water from flowing back into a system during storms or high seas.  It's designed to allow water to flow out of a system but not back in, helping to prevent flooding or damage.  

These valves are often used in drainage systems on ships, offshore platforms, or in areas prone to flooding.  They typically feature a simple design with a flap or gate that opens to allow water to exit but closes to prevent water from re-entering.

Image of Straight Type Strom Valve

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