Stainless Steel Pipe

Stainless Steel Pipe

Stainless steel consists of chromium, nickel and other alloying elements that form a dense oxide film, making it extremely resistant to corrosion. Whether in the natural environment of oxidizing media, or in the chemical, petroleum, food and other industrial areas of corrosive media, stainless steel water pipe can maintain excellent corrosion resistance. This makes the stainless steel water pipe in long-term use is not easy to produce corrosion, scaling and leakage and other problems, greatly extending its service life.



According to the organization of stainless steel: martensitic, austenitic, ferritic and duplex stainless steel.

According to the chemical composition of stainless steel: chromium stainless steel, chromium-nickel stainless steel, chromium-nickel-molybdenum stainless steel, ultra-low carbon steel and so on.

According to the performance and use of stainless steel: pin acid resistance, sulfuric acid resistance, stress corrosion resistance.


1. Stainless steel materials should be placed in closed boxes when transported, open boxes must be covered with canvas, and tube ends should be sealed by plastic plug covers.

2. Stainless steel pipe should not be affected by impurities such as carbon steel when placed, and should be stored in a dry room as much as possible to avoid contact with moisture, dust, salt water, iron and other pollutants.

3. When processing stainless steel, the surrounding work site to avoid carbon steel substances stored in the work area, if necessary, the rubber can be used to wrap the carbon steel pieces to prevent iron contamination of stainless steel.


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