SC80 CBM1068 Deck Drain

SC80 CBM1068 Deck Drain

SC80 CBM1068 deck drain is a water-sealed deck drain often used in cold storage, which is a welded leak with flange. It has a nominal diameter of 80mm and is a slightly larger type of water-sealed deck drain. The structural design of the water seal drain port is very unique, and it has a good sealing effect and anti-odor function.


Characteristics of water seal type drain

The sealing of the water seal type drain is very good, because the floor drain core has a relatively large fitting area for each place, and can achieve a completely sealed effect with the tension of the water. The filter screen of the water seal type drain adopts a double separation design, so its drainage performance is also better, and generally will not cause pipe blockage. It can also prevent mosquitoes from entering the cabin, and it is also highly deodorant.



Images of SC80 CBM1068 Deck Drain

SC80 CBM1068 Deck Drains.jpg

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