Oval Gear Fuel Flow Meter

Oval Gear Fuel Flow Meter

Oval gear fuel flow meter is by the measurement box and a pair of oval gears installed in the measurement box, and the upper and lower cover plate constitutes a sealed crescent-shaped cavity (due to the rotation of the gears, so it is not absolutely sealed) as a unit of calculation of the displacement.



When the measured liquid through the pipeline into the flowmeter, due to the pressure difference between the imports and exports to promote a pair of gears rotating continuously, and constantly measured by the crescent-shaped cavity of the liquid transported to the exit, the number of elliptical gears and the four times the product of each displacement that is the total amount of measured liquid flow.

The operating principle of the oval gear fuel flow meter is based on the amount of change in the volume of liquid between the elliptical gears over time to measure the flow rate. Specifically, the liquid enters from the inlet of the flowmeter and pushes the two oval gears to rotate, the number of teeth of the oval gears is different, and the difference in rotational speed between the two oval gears pushes the liquid to the outlet of the flowmeter, and during the process, the liquid passes through the gap of the gears, and is restricted by the direction of rotation of the gears, and the volume gradually increases, and in a certain period of time to flow through a certain amount of volume, which in turn measures the flow rate.


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