Marine Weathertight Door

Marine Weathertight Door

Marine weathertight doors, also known as semi-watertight doors, are divided into metal and wood. The structure of the metal weathertight door is similar to that of the metal watertight door, but the weight of the door plate is slightly lighter, the wedge handle is less, and the amount of sealing filler pressed into the door is shallower when closed, and the requirements of the corresponding tightness test should be met to ensure that it is impervious to water under any wind and waves; the use of wooden doors should also ensure that they are resistant to waves and water impact. It is generally used as the cabin door leading to the open air of the deck room on the freeboard deck, as well as the door of the engine and furnace room, the door of the storage room, the door of the food room, etc. Open to the open kitchen, double and half doors are available. When considering exterior decoration, wooden doors can be used.


The Marine weathertight door is set on the open bulkhead, which is weathertight and meets the requirements of weathertight.

Material type

  • Steel or aluminum weathertight doors

Its structure is similar to a steel hinged watertight door, but the door plate is thinner, the number of door handles is also less, and the tightness is worse, which can only ensure that it is weathertight.


  • Wood weathertight door

Its door panels are made of oak or teak, which are divided into two kinds: hinge type and sliding type, and the density is poor. The doors on both side walls of the cab are sliding horizontally.



Marine weathertight door is a closing device placed above the freeboard deck to close the superstructure, deckhouse, engine room shed, and entrance and exit of the lift, to keep the interior of the ship from the elements. The structure of the weathertight door shall have the same strength as the enclosing wall structure where it is installed.

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