Marine UHF Radiotelephone
Marine UHF radiotelephone is mainly applied for daily wireless handheld communication, having excellent waterproof function. Simple operate and channel selection, durable overall design and reliable performance, suitable for all kinds of harsh environment.
Product features
16 preset channels, 400-470MHz frequency range, easy to operate.
It has stronger penetration than VHF, and is more suitable for high-rise cities and more obstacles.
5W super power output, ultra long distance communication.
Technical description
Frequency range: 400-470MHz
Channel spacing: 25kHz
Number of channels: 16
Operating temperature: -20℃to +55℃
Case Size(W×H×D): 56 x 133 x 27.5 mm
Weight: 280 g
RF output power: 1W(Lo)/5W(Hi)
Frequency error: ±5khz
Sensitivity: 0.35μV for 12dB SINAD
Adjacent channel power: >70dB
Spurious response: >60dB
Inter modulation rejection: >68 dB