Marine Solid-Liquid Incinerator
Marine Solid-Liquid Incinerator is a fully automated operating equipment with high temperature, small size and large heat capacity. Our product's technical level is currently in a leading position internationally. This product can incinerate waste oil, sewage, sludge, and domestic garbage such as plastics, cardboard, cans, medical waste, and food waste. It is an important equipment for preventing pollution on various ships and offshore platforms. Compared with other types of incinerators, this equipment has the advantages of large capacity, small size, simple operation, and safety protection.
We are professional ship equipment suppliers with rich project experience, providing the optimal solutions for purchasers or end customers around the world. Contact email <hs10@cqhisea.com>
Advantages and Characteristics
● This equipment has a large heat capacity, small overall size, safe and reliable performance. The flue gas discharged after the incineration of waste is colorless and odorless. The remaining trace ash is non-toxic and sterile, and will not cause secondary pollution. The entire incinerator is of detachable structure, which is easy to install and maintain.
● This equipment is easy to operate and has automatic operation control and remote monitoring at the same time. The entire combustion process is automatically monitored, adjusted and incineration controlled by PLC throughout the process. The furnace temperature and flue gas temperature are automatically adjusted within the set range.
● To ensure safe use, this equipment is equipped with a complete set of safety protection devices.
● This incinerator complies with Annex V and VI of MARPOL 73/78 Convention and IMO MEPC.244(66) resolution, has obtained EU EC certification, and has been recognized by classification societies such as CCS, DNV, GL, ABS, LR, USCG, etc.
Technical Data
Heat Capacity: 180,000 kCal/h (210kW)
Solid waste: 144 ,000 kCal/h (IMO class 02)
Solid waste feeding: 200 /charge
Waste Oi: 22L (20.2Kg)/h (IMO sludge)
Liquid waste containing max. water less than 50%
Diesel Consumption: 10 L/h
Power consumption: 10kW
Dimensions & Weight:
120C: 1013 x 1457 x 1835mm 1450Kg
120C SW: 1013 x 1457 x 1835mm 1430Kg
Flue gas fan: DN200 & 114Kg
Flue gas damper: DN200 & 20Kg
Production Technical Parameters
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