Marine Gooseneck Ventilation

Marine Gooseneck Ventilation

The Marine Gooseneck Ventilation is inspired by the elegant curve of a goose's neck in nature, which cleverly combines a straight cylinder with a curved section to make the ventilator more stable when it is subjected to the impact of wind and waves. Marine Gooseneck Ventilation is widely used on the open decks of all types of passenger ships, cargo ships, naval vessels and offshore oil platforms.



Marine Gooseneck Ventilation is a tubular device perpendicular to the hull of a ship, installed on the top or side of the cabin. The ventilator is used to ventilate the cabin by discharging the air out of the ship through the action of natural wind or mechanical fan. Ventilator is generally used in the cabin, cargo hold and other spaces that need to be sealed to maintain good air circulation and oxygen supply. The advantages of the ventilator are good ventilation effect, reducing the possibility of moisture and mold generation inside the ship. However, ventilation canisters require consumption of ship's electricity or fuel.

The choice of ventilation equipment needs to be considered in the light of the actual situation of the ship and the climatic conditions of the location. If the cabin needs to be closed for a long period of time, it is recommended to use the ventilator for ventilation. If the environmental factors such as humidity in the cabin are relatively light, vents can be chosen for ventilation.


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