Marine Flow Meter

Marine Flow Meter

Marine flow meter is a very important instrument in the operation of ships, which can measure the flow of fluid in the pipeline, so as to realize accurate flow control and fuel saving. Currently the more widely used flow meters on ships include rotary wing flow meters, turbine flow meters and vibrating tube flow meters. Different types of flow meters are suitable for different scenarios, and a number of factors such as pipe size, fluid type, required accuracy and maintainability need to be considered when purchasing.



Rotary wing flowmeter is a common flowmeter, its main structure is composed of box, rotary wing, sensor and converter. In the process of measuring the flow rate, the fluid flows through the pipe, the rotary wing starts to rotate, the number of blades turned over is the embodiment of the flow rate size, and finally converted into an electrical signal output. This kind of flowmeter is characterized by simple structure, high reliability, wide range of application, is widely used in navigation, ships and other fields.

A turbine flow meter is a type of flow meter primarily used for viscous fluids and liquids. Compared with the rotary wing flow meter, the turbine flow meter has an additional layer of protective tube, which can ensure the measurement accuracy and maintainability for long-term use in various pipe sizes and fluid types. In addition, it allows for more accurate flow measurement through digital measurement and signal processing.

The vibrating tube flow meter is a flow meter that can be applied to high temperature, high pressure and corrosive fluids. It works by oscillating the pipe through the flow of vapors or gases flowing in the pipe, generating an intrinsic frequency, which is used for flow measurement. Because of its ability to perform high-precision multiphase flow measurements and measurements of certain special fluids, it is widely used in steam-powered power stations and electric power station control.


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