Marine Double Bollard

Marine Double Bollard

The primary function of marine double bollards is to provide secure mooring points for vessels. Boats can tie their lines to the bollards to hold them in place, whether for short-term docking or long-term berthing. Double bollards offer flexibility in mooring arrangements. They allow for multiple boats to be secured simultaneously or for a single vessel to be secured from different angles, which can be advantageous in crowded or tight spaces.Double bollards contribute to safety by providing reliable points of attachment for vessels, reducing the risk of drifting or collision in busy waterways. Their sturdy construction and secure mounting enhance overall stability and reliability.



There are many standards for Marine Double Bollards. Here are some of the more commonly used double bollards on ships:

ISO 13795-2012 Marine Double Bollard

ISO 13795-2012 Welded Double Bollard.jpg

GBT554-2008 Marine Bollard

GBT 554-2008 Double Bollard.jpg

DIN 82607 Double Bollard

DIN 82607 Double Bollard.jpg

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