Marine Deck  Floor Drain

Marine Deck Floor Drain

Marine deck floor drain is the outlet of the deck drain pipe to the ship's side, which can make the water on the deck flow freely to the bulwark opening outside the ship. Marine deck floor drain is very important for the safe operation of the ship, so it is very important to choose a high quality drain in the face of the harsh Marine environment.


Characteristics of Marine deck floor drain

1. Marine deck floor drain has a variety of sizes and specifications, suitable for various ship decks.

2. The material of Marine deck floor drain is generally brass, bronze, aluminum, stainless steel and other materials with excellent corrosion resistance.

3. Marine deck floor drains come in a variety of forms, including simple openings in the hull or deck, pipes, or more complex structures.



Images of Marine Deck Floor Drain

Marine Deck  Floor Drains.jpg

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