Introduction to Marine Windows

Introduction to Marine Windows

Windows of any structural form installed on ships and offshore structures are Marine Windows. Such side scuttle, square windows, floor-to-ceiling windows, fire windows, etc. There are steel Windows and aluminum Windows from the material, and rectangular Windows and circular Windows (generally portholes) from their appearance. Some Windows cannot be opened or closed, such as portholes; some can be opened and closed. When designing Windows, the main considerations are type (such as aluminum rectangular Windows with snow sweepers), number, center height, wall openings, etc. The number, form and position of Windows refer to the cabin layout.



Windows on ships have a variety of classification methods according to their location, form, structure, material and function.

Portholes are fixed and movable, the former can not be opened, the latter can be opened, according to the watertight pressure capacity of heavy 20Pa, ordinary 50~100Pa, light (below 20Pa). Heavy duty portable porthole A window in a watertight area with a storm cover so that it does not maintain light during stormy weather. The porthole is round, the specification is expressed by the diameter diagram of the transparent glass, usually ø200mm, ø250mm, ø300mm, ø350mm, ø400mm, depending on the size of the ship (rib distance). The double escape hatch must be above ø350mm.

Rectangular Windows are used in superstructures without watertight requirements, the pressure is less than 50Pa, and the larger the light transmission size (width hm× height bw), the lower the pressure.

The deck lighting window is installed flush with the deck plane, and the transparent surface is made of prismatic glass, so that the space under the deck receives not direct sunlight, but uniform and soft scattered light, which is usually used for the top lighting of public cabins and channels.

Skylight window covers can be opened, covered with circular or rectangular transparent glass, in addition to light but also for natural ventilation, usually in the engine room, stove, kitchen or boat cabin roof.

Equipping requirements for Marine Windows

The general crew cabin is equipped with one window, and the officer's living room is equipped with two windows. Public rooms such as dining rooms and smoking rooms are equipped with two to four windows in the area overlooking the outer bulwark. If structural enhancement is not restricted, light portholes shall be provided for personnel accommodation below the boundary line, but the number shall be kept to a minimum.

Porthole, small boats generally use ø300mm, the minimum ø250mm, large and medium-sized multi-purpose ø350mm or more. Square window, also according to the size of the rib distance with appropriate Windows, and consider the water tight pressure requirements. Light transmission size 300mm×400mm can bear 50Pa pressure, 350mm×50mm, 400mm×550mm, 450mm×600mm can bear 20Pa. Large specifications (550mm×600mm, 600mm×700mm, 800mm×900mm) windows are mostly used for wheelhome that require a wide field of view.

The Arrangement of Marine Windows

The window layout should be conducive to more reasonable and uniform lighting in the room. If the two adjacent walls of the cabin are external walls, windows are opened on both walls at the same time, and deviated from the intersection angle of the two walls, which is conducive to the uniform distribution of the entire indoor illumination. In fact, the relative two-wall window can make the light distribution more ideal, but in addition to the hall room or steerage, the general empty cabin or room is less likely to be set up like this, and there are not many rooms that can open Windows on both adjacent walls. When the window can only be arranged on one side, a window is best in the middle of the room. The two Windows should be properly opened so that both sides can have a certain amount of light.

The effect of the setting of doors and Windows on the appearance of the ship should be examined, the size, height and form of the Windows of each deck should be as unified as possible, and the connection of the window height should be parallel to the arc, so that the interval distribution of the Windows is full of rhythm.

The height of human eyes when standing is 1300~1700mm. The center line height of the general cabin window can be set at 1500mm or 1650mm, and the tour ship requires that the scenery can be viewed when sitting.

In short, we offer a wide variety of Marine Windows and suitable for all types of ships. We guarantee that they all have type approval, such as CCS, BV, ABS, LR, etc. If you have a need, you are welcome to visit our Marine window home page for more information, or contact us directly.

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