Filtration and UV Sterilization Ballast Water Management

Filtration and UV Sterilization Ballast Water Management

Technology: Mechanical Filter+Medium Pressure UV Disinfection (Physical Technology)

Filter Unit: Negative Pressure Suction Self-Cleaning Filter, removes the organisms and particles greater than 50μm.

UV Unit: Medium Pressure Disinfection Technology -effectively inactivates the aquatic nuisance species (ANS) and pathogens.

Control Unit: One-touch operation;  Automatic operation, control and monitor.


The BWMS is designed to remove and inactivate the active marine microorganisms in ballast water so as to prevent marine environment pollution caused by the transfer of harmful aquatic organisms through the ship's ballast water. It meets the Guidelines for Approval of Ballast Water Management Systems (G8) adopted by IMO Resolution MEPC.279(70) USCG 33 CFR 151 C & D as well as the discharging standard set out in Regulation D-2 of the "International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships' Ballast Water and Sediments".

The ballast water management system is supplied as follows:

  • Filter

  • UVReator

  • DrainPump

  • UVControlCupboard&UVPowerCupboard

  • ControlSystemBox

  • Sampler

  • FlowMeter

  • Valves

  • RemoteControlSystemBox

  • SalinityMeter

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System Composition

  1. The BWMS is composed of filtration unit, UV disinfection unit (include UV power cupboard) and integrated control system.

  2. The filtration unit comprises one or more negative pressure filters in parallel to remove the particles and plankton larger than 50um from the ballast water. When removing the larger plankton, larger than 50um from the ballast water. When removing the larger plankton, the filter can enhance the light transmittance of ballast water for treatment and improve the efficiency of subsequent the filter can enhance the light transmittance of ballast water for treatment and improve the efficiency of subsequent UV disinfection. Besides, the filter screen could be cleaned automatically to ensure the repetition of water treatment.

  3. UV disinfection unit comprises one or more UV reactors in parallel and UV control & power cupboards, which is used to kill plankton and microorganisms in the ballast water. When completing the disinfection of organisms, which is used to kill plankton and microorganisms in the ballast water. When completing the disinfection of organisms, UV has no obvious impact on the chemical composition of water body. So it is a safe, efficient and environmental friendly water treatment method.

  4. Integrated control system comprises a control system box, a remote control system box and a series of transmitters and actuators. The remote control system box is used to control a remote control system box and a series of transmitters and actuators. The remote control system box is used to control the ballast water management system remotely and is optional to the user. The functions of integrated control system include: HMI, automatic control of system processes, manual control function, equipment fault record and alarm, and recording of equipment operating conditions. In the integrated control system, the filters and UV disinfection system as well as valves in the BOS system achieve a coordinated action, ensuring the maximum continuous and stable operation of the equipment and reducing the operator's labor intensity.

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For additional details, please contact us!  For other types of products, please feel free to contact us, or visit our Ballast Water Management System homepage to learn more!

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