WZPK Temperature Transmitter

WZPK Temperature Transmitter

Example Specifications

Sensor Type: Pt100, Type K, Type J, etc.

Temperature Range: -200°C to +600°C

Accuracy: ±0.1%

Output Signal: 4-20mA, 0-10V

Power Supply: 24V DC

Response Time: Fast response time for dynamic processes

Protection Class: IP65, IP67



. Measurement Range: Typically from -200°C to +600°C, depending on the specific model and sensor type.

. Accuracy: High accuracy, often ±0.1% of full scale.

. Output Signal: 4-20mA or 0-10V output signal for easy integration with control systems.

. Sensor Types: Compatible with various types of temperature sensors, such as thermocouples (e.g., Type K, Type J) and RTDs (e.g., Pt100).

. Material: Stainless steel or other robust materials for the sensor probe to ensure durability and resistance to harsh environments.

. Power Supply: Generally requires a 24V DC power supply.

. Display: Some models come with an integrated display for local temperature readout.

. Protection: IP65 or higher for protection against dust and water ingress.

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