What is the bow thruster?

What is the bow thruster?

A bow thruster is a propulsion device that is mounted on the bow (front) of a ship or boat to provide lateral thrust, allowing for greater manoeuvrability in tight spaces or difficult docking situations.

It works by creating a sideways force of water, which helps the vessel to move sideways or turn more easily. Bow thrusters are especially useful for large ships and vessels that have limited manoeuvrability in confined spaces.


A bow thruster is a transversal propulsion device installed in the bow of a ship or boat to make it more manoeuvrable. Typically, it consists of a propeller fitted in a tunnel running through the hull below the waterline or an externally mounted pod.Bow thruster refers to a special thruster installed at the bow of a ship to improve its manoeuvrability and accurately maintain its position. Applied on ocean engineering ships and ferries.

According to the style, it can be divided into fixed types; The style can be raised to the axial direction and pushed forward and backward. There are no strict assessment criteria for bow thruster, but the coordination between the main engine and bow thruster at various speeds needs to be recorded for ease of operation. If the ship frequently docks, such as a ferry, multiple bow thrusters need to be arranged.

For more marine bow/tunnel thruster information, please click here.

Bow thruster mark

For ships equipped with a bow thruster device at the bow, a bow thruster mark (BT mark) is required to indicate it. This mark is marked at the bow above the heavy load waterline on both sides of the bow and is located behind the bulbous bow mark.

The main purposes of a bow thruster

Enhanced Maneuverability: It helps in maneuvering the vessel sideways, making docking and undocking easier, especially in tight spaces.

Improved Handling in Adverse Conditions: It assists in maintaining control when dealing with strong currents or winds, which can push the bow off course.

Precision Movement: It provides more precise control over the ship's movements, which is particularly useful for larger vessels that have a significant turning radius.

Bow thrusters are commonly used in various types of vessels, including commercial ships, ferries, and yachts. They can be powered by electric,  hydraulic systems or diesel engines, and their usage is generally controlled from the ship's bridge.

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