Unit or batch inspection marine transverse propulsion arrangement

Unit or batch inspection marine transverse propulsion arrangement

A unit or batch inspection of a marine transverse propulsion arrangement involves the detailed examination of the system responsible for lateral (side-to-side) movement of a vessel, such as bow thrusters or azimuth thrusters. This inspection ensures that each unit or batch of propulsion systems meets specific standards and operates correctly.

This inspection process ensures the safety, reliability, and efficiency of marine transverse propulsion systems before they are installed on a vessel or released for use.


The following test requirements are based on CCS standards:

1 Inspection content

1.1 Inspections are to include document examination and in-process inspections and functional tests.

1.2 In-process inspections are to mainly include material tests, non-destructive tests of main parts, inspection of manufacturing and assembly qualities of parts (gear engagement inspection, measurement of the clearance between the propeller blade and the tunnel), etc.

1.3 The main parts such as propeller, propeller shaft, drive shaft and drive/driven gear are to be subjected to mechanical properties tests of materials.

1.4 The transverse propulsion arrangement is classified according to the model and the maximum power. The first product is to be type-tested according to Article 8 of this Guideline. The subsequent products may be tested according to the unit/batch inspection items.

2 The reports or records required to be submitted by the manufacturing works are to at least include:

(1) Quality assurance certificate and/or re-test report of physicochemical properties of materials of main product parts processed at the manufacturing works;

(2) Certificate of conformity and relevant certificates of main purchased parts or outsourced parts;

(3) Inspection, measurement and test conditions of manufacturing works, a list of test and inspection equipment and copies of valid verification certificates;

(4) Test report of manufacturing works, which is to include the model, specifications and serial number of product or sample, test place and date, test environment, test items and data, problems discovered during test and inspection and corresponding solutions, and test results.

3 Unit/batch inspection items are to include:

(1) Visual inspection;

(2) Dimensional inspection;

(3) Pitch control test (where applicable);

(4) Hydraulic test;

(5) Tightness test;

(6) Functional tests of safety protection and alarm;

(7) Operation test (where applicable).

4 For the transverse propulsion arrangement type-modified after type test, CCS may reduce relevant test items or test time during the inspection provided that its maximum power is not more

than that of the prototype and its construction is similar to or main components are carried over from the prototype.

 For more marine bow/tunnel thruster information, please click here.

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