ULB 3 Glass Level Gauge

ULB 3 Glass Level Gauge

1. Pressure Rating:

Typically up to 40 bar (580 psi).

Special models may be available for higher pressures.

2. Temperature Rating:

Operating temperature range: -200°C to +400°C (-328°F to +752°F).

Specific temperature ratings depend on the gasket material and glass type.


Safety and Maintenance:

Regular Inspection: Regularly inspect the gauge for any signs of damage or wear, especially the glass tubes.

Cleaning: Periodic cleaning is necessary to ensure clear visibility and accurate readings.

Replacement: Any damaged or worn-out parts, especially the glass tubes, should be replaced promptly to maintain the safety and accuracy of the gauge.

Calibration: Periodic calibration might be required to ensure accurate level measurement.

Installation Considerations:

Positioning: Ensure the gauge is installed vertically and securely.

Compatibility: Verify compatibility with the type of liquid and the operating conditions (temperature, pressure).

Sealing: Ensure all connections are properly sealed to prevent leaks.

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