The Application of Marine Aluminum Alloy Anode

The Application of Marine Aluminum Alloy Anode

Aluminium anodes are widely used for cathodic protection of metal structures in seawater environments or the inner bottom of crude oil storage tanks. It cannot be used in soil environments with low chloride ion content. The electrode potential of aluminium anode is -1.05V CSE, it has very high electrochemical performance, and the power generation per unit weight of the anode material is large, about three times that of zinc anode and two times that of magnesium anode. 


Hull Protection

Aluminium anodes are installed on the exterior of the hull, especially on the bottom and below the draught line, sacrificing themselves through an electrochemical reaction, thus protecting the steel structure of the hull from seawater corrosion.

Propeller and Shaft System

Aluminium anodes are installed on propellers, shaft systems and rudders, which are immersed in seawater for a long time and susceptible to electrochemical corrosion. Aluminium anodes can effectively protect these key components and extend their service life.

Seawater Cooling System

Aluminium anode is used in seawater cooling system of ships to prevent the corrosion of metal parts such as pipes, pumps and heat exchangers in the cooling system and ensure the normal operation and long service life of the cooling system.

Ballast Water Tank

Aluminium anodes are installed in ballast water tanks of ships to prevent corrosion of ballast water tank wall panels through electrochemical protection and extend the service life of ballast water tanks.

Other Metal Structures

Various metal structures on the ship, such as deck, anchor chain compartment and cargo hold, will be affected by corrosion of seawater. Aluminium anodes installed in these parts can effectively prevent corrosion and reduce maintenance and repair costs.

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