SUS304 Level Transmitters

SUS304 Level Transmitters

SUS304 Level transmitter are essential instruments used to measure and monitor the level of liquids in marine environments, such as in tanks and ballast systems.

Mounting Type: How the transmitter is installed, such as flange, thread, or submersible mounting.

Response Time: The time it takes for the transmitter to respond to changes in the liquid level.


Mean Parameter

1. Measurement Range: The range of liquid levels that the transmitter can accurately measure, often specified in meters or feet.

2. Accuracy: The degree to which the transmitter can measure the true level, typically expressed as a percentage of the full-scale range.

3. Resolution: The smallest change in level that the transmitter can detect.

4. Output Signal: The type of signal the transmitter provides, such as 4-20 mA, 0-10 V, or digital communication protocols like Modbus or HART.

5. Power Supply: The voltage or current required to operate the transmitter.

6. Operating Temperature Range: The range of temperatures within which the transmitter can operate correctly.

7. Pressure Range: The range of pressures the transmitter can withstand without damage.

8. Mounting Type: How the transmitter is installed, such as flange, thread, or submersible mounting.

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