Stainless Straight Tee

Stainless Straight Tee

Stainless steel tee for pipe fittings, pipe connectors. Used in the main pipe to branch pipe. Stainless steel tee has equal diameter and reducer, equal diameter tee end of the receiver are the same size; reducer tee of the main pipe receiver size is the same, and the receiver size of the branch pipe is smaller than the receiver size of the main pipe.



Stainless steel tee is a kind of pipe fittings used in pipeline branch. For the use of seamless pipe manufacturing tee, the process usually used in hydraulic expansion and hot press molding two kinds.

Stainless steel tee hydraulic expansion is through the axial compensation of the metal material to expand the branch pipe of a molding process. The process is to use a special hydraulic press, and tee diameter of the billet is equal to the injection of liquid, through the hydraulic press of the two horizontal side cylinders synchronized movement of the billet squeeze billet, billet extrusion after the volume of the billet becomes smaller, billet with the billet volume becomes smaller and the liquid pressure rises, when reaching the stainless steel tee branch pipe expansion out of the required pressure, the metal material in the side of the cylinder and billet under the double action of the pressure of the liquid flow along the mold luminaire And expand the branch pipe.


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