Round Adjustable Marine Defroster

Round Adjustable Marine Defroster

The Round adjustable marine defroster is the aft end of the heat ventilation system and is used to connect the heat ventilation pipes. The Round adjustable marine defroster can be distributed on the top of the ship's cockpit to remove frost and fog from the glass windows using hot air defrosting.



Ships usually operate in the water, and in order to enable the personnel inside the ship to see the environment outside the ship, windows are usually installed on the ship. However, in the process of running the ship, the ship is affected by the temperature of the water, the window will often appear water fog or frost phenomenon, resulting in the observation of the ship's personnel is blocked, which in turn affects the safety of the ship running. At present, in order to realize the defrost function of the windows of ships, it is often necessary to set up a separate air supply line to defrost the windows.


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