Refrigerant dryer

Refrigerant dryer

The refrigerant dryer is a device that uses refrigeration technology to remove moisture from compressed air. Cold air dryers play an important role in compressed air treatment systems. They are widely used in various industrial fields to ensure the drying of gas systems and the normal operation of equipment.

Using refrigerant and compressed air for heat exchange, reduce the compressed air temperature to a dew point temperature range of 2-10 ℃.

Main features: efficient dehumidification, energy conservation and environmental protection, compact structure, automatic drainage, etc


Working principle

Refrigerant dryer is a device that uses the working principle of cooling and condensation to dry compressed air. It mainly consists of three parts: heat exchange system, refrigeration system, and electrical control system. The hot and humid compressed air that comes out of the air compressor and contains water first passes through a pre cooler to pre cool the hot air exchanger; Then, the pre cooled air is further cooled by the refrigerant circulation circuit of the refrigeration dryer in the air to refrigerant heat exchanger, and exchanges heat with the cold air that has been cooled to the pressure dew point from the evaporator, further reducing the temperature of the compressed air. Afterwards, the compressed air enters the evaporator and exchanges heat with the refrigerant. The temperature of the compressed air drops to 2 ℃ -8c, and the moisture in the air precipitates at this temperature. The condensed water, oil, and impurities in the compressed air are separated by the condenser, and then discharged from the machine through an automatic drain. The dry low-temperature air enters the precooler for heat exchange, and after the temperature rises, it is output, which can effectively prevent the occurrence of pipeline condensation. The bypass valve can automatically adjust the refrigerant flow rate according to the requirements of load changes.


Refrigerant dryers are divided into two types based on the cooling method of the condenser: air-cooled and water-cooled;

According to the intake temperature, there are high-temperature intake types (below 80 ℃) and ambient temperature intake types (around 45 ℃);

According to working pressure, there are ordinary types (0.3-1.0MPa) and medium and high pressure types (above 1.2MPa).

In addition, many special specifications of refrigerated dryers can be used to handle non air media, such as carbon dioxide, hydrogen, natural gas, blast furnace gas, nitrogen, etc

The four major components of a refrigerated dryer

Refrigeration compressor

The refrigeration compressor is the heart of the refrigeration system and is ultimately discharged through the exhaust pipe.


The function of the condenser is to cool the high-pressure and overheated refrigerant vapor discharged from the refrigerant compressor into a liquid refrigerant, and its heat is carried away by the cooling water or air. Enable the refrigeration process to proceed continuously.


The evaporator is the main heat exchange component of a refrigerated dryer. Compressed air is forced to cool in the evaporator, and most of the water vapor is cooled and condensed into liquid water, which is discharged from the machine, thereby drying the compressed air. Low pressure refrigerant liquid undergoes a phase change in the evaporator and becomes low-pressure refrigerant vapor. During the phase change process, it absorbs surrounding heat, thereby cooling the compressed air.

Expansion valve

The thermal expansion valve (capillary) is the throttling mechanism of a refrigeration system. In a refrigerated dryer, the supply of refrigerant to the evaporator and its regulator is achieved through a throttling mechanism. The throttling mechanism allows refrigeration to enter the evaporator from high-temperature and high-pressure liquids.

Main parameters

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