Processing and installation inspection of rudder bearing liner

Processing and installation inspection of rudder bearing liner

A marine rudder bearing liner is a component installed in a ship's rudder system to support and reduce friction between the rudder shaft and the rudder bearing. It is usually made of wear-resistant materials to ensure smooth and flexible rotation of the rudder during operation, while extending the service life of the rudder system.


Processing and inspection of rudder bearing bushing

① Measure the outer diameter of the rudder bearing liner with an outer micrometer (measuring the upper and lower parts), calculate the roundness and cylindricity, and do not allow taper. The size should meet the requirements of interference fit, and the surface roughness should be visually inspected.

② Measure the inner hole of the rudder bearing liner with an inner micrometer (measuring the upper and lower parts), and its roundness and cylindricity should meet the requirements.

③ Inspection and verification records, as well as measurement records for the machining of the inner and outer circles of the lining.

Installation inspection of rudder bearing liner

① Before installing the upper and lower bearing bushings of the rudder, the diameter of the rudder knob boring hole must be re measured with an inner micrometer, and the outer circle of the bushing must be re measured with an outer micrometer. The actual fit fit measured should meet the requirements of the drawing. Before measurement, the inner and outer micrometers should be checked.

② The installation of the upper and lower bushings of the rudder is generally carried out by using an oil pump for pressing. During pressing, the pressing force should be calculated based on the piston area of the oil pump and the oil pump pressure. The pressing force should meet the technical requirements, and the actual pressing force should generally be greater than the specified pressing force.

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