Plug Valve

Plug Valve

The plug valve is a plunger shaped valve that closes the parts. By rotating 90°, the channel port on the valve plug and the channel port on the valve body can be connected or separated to realize the opening or closing of the valve.



Plug valve is most suitable for cutting off and connecting the medium and shunt role, but according to the nature of the use and the sealing surface of the erosion resistance, sometimes can also be used for throttling. As the plug valve sealing surface movement between the wiping effect, and in the fully open can completely prevent contact with the flowing medium, it is often also able to be used for suspended particles of the medium.


Another important characteristic of the plug valve is that it is easy to adapt to the multi-channel structure, so that a valve can get two, three or even four different flow channels. This can simplify the design of piping systems, reduce the amount of valves and equipment required in some of the links accessories.

Image of Plug Valve

Plug Valve1.jpg

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