Mushroom Ventilation

Mushroom Ventilation

Mushroom Ventilation is adapted to be installed in all kinds of ships' open deck natural ventilation and mechanical ventilation devices for ventilation purposes. The width of the hatch on the dry deck of the ship is less than 40% of the ship's width, and there is no cabin cover on the deck of the ship, each cargo hold as low as possible in the cabin of the diagonal position of the deck set not less than two mushroom ventilation. Mushroom ventilation should be greater than the diameter of 200mm, the wall thickness should be not less than 3mm. Mushroom ventilation should be arranged as far as possible away from the exhaust pipe, skylight, chimney and furnace bulkheads, etc., so as to avoid sucking in dirty and hot and humid air.


Common defects of mushroom ventilation:

1. The straight ladder is badly rusted, and the supporting elbow plate on the top cap, enclosure plate, and bottom of the ventilating cylinder is badly rusted or even pierced.

2. Unclear marking of the handwheel switching direction, and the valve plate cover lifting indicator bar is invalid or missing.

3. the sealing coil of the weathertight cap is aged or missing, the valve plate is deformed and seriously rusted, and it is not possible to ensure that the seal is maintained with the top edge of the mushroom ventilation body; the insect-proof net is broken and damaged.

4. The pressure-filled oil cup that passes through the center of the top cap of the ventilating cylinder, the support bearing inside the mushroom ventilation body lacks lubricant for a long time, and the function of the oiling nozzle fails, resulting in that the handwheel is almost unable to rotate, and it is not possible to close the mushroom ventilation quickly.


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