Marine Tuyere
When the public places in the ship such as various halls and cabins have a large area, the air cannot be delivered evenly by using the ceiling air supply outlet or the effect cannot be achieved, in this case, the nozzle should be installed to deliver the air at the side. The rotatable spherical nozzle is designed so that the direction of air supply can be manually adjusted on the spot, and it can also be oscillated by the actuator within the range of ±30 degrees.
Specific Requirements:
According to the characteristics of the project, the type of airflow organization required, the adjustment performance and the way of air supply, etc., select the appropriate type of air outlet.
According to the required air volume [air supply or exhaust (return)], determine the size of the required air vent within the permissible range of wind speed at the neck of the air vent (or at the inlet and outlet sections of the air vent).
Calibrate the main technical properties of the selected air vent, such as range, pressure loss, noise indicators, as well as the wind speed and temperature difference in the working area.
Determine the arrangement and installation of the selected air vent and its connection with the air duct.