Marine Trumpet Electric Horn

Marine Trumpet Electric Horn

The marine trumpet electric horn is a horn device powered by air compression, which can be used by various ships to enter and exit ports, avoid collisions when sailing, or issue warning signals in poor visibility conditions. This type product we mainly offer is YQ series, if need, other series can be offered.



  • Simple and compact structure

  • Large volume and clear sound

  • Low air consumption

  • With water-proof plug and convenient installation bracket


Referential technical data

  • Working pressure: 0.39-0.98MPa

  • Audibility: ≥130dB

  • Frequency range: 130-700Hz

  • Voltage: 220V/24V/12V

  • Hearing distance: 0.5-1.5 n.m

  • Length range of ship: ≤12m

  • Material: brass, stainless steel


Product picture

Marine Trumpet Electric Horn1.jpg


Outline dimension

Marine Trumpet Electric Horn2.jpg

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