Marine Three Eccentric Butterfly Valve
Marine Three Eccentric Butterfly Valve its maximum pressure level can reach 2000 pounds, the standard caliber can be 48 inches, and the clamp, lug, flange, ring, butt welding, jacket, a variety of structural lengths can be corresponded to, but also due to the large choice of materials, high and low temperatures, and a variety of acids, alkalis and other corrosive mediums can be corresponded to. Especially in the large diameter, with its zero leakage advantage, in the shut-off valve than ball valves and gate valves have more advantages.
Three Eccentric Butterfly Valve In addition to the stem and the valve plate have two eccentrics, the valve plate and the valve seat sealing surface is oblique round table shape (this is the so-called three eccentrics of the third eccentric). Valve closed valve plate due to the eccentricity of the cause of the forward push, the valve plate and seat in the closing process does not produce friction, the valve plate is directly pressed on the seat, which ensures the service life of the valve.
In addition, because of this valve seal (whether mounted on the valve seat or valve plate) has a certain degree of elasticity, and a small amount of clearance between the elastic ring of the cam and the elastic ring can make the elastic ring a little displacement; in the valve is closed, by the action of the closing force, elastomer sealing ring can be automatically shifted to the position of the most uniform force: coupled with a small amount of elastic deformation of the elastic ring, so that the sealing ring at the seat of the valve to uniformly stressed to achieve the optimal sealing state.