Marine Teak Sheet Flooring
Marine Teak Sheet Flooring is extremely corrosion resistant, resistant to sea water erosion, termites, ship maggots and other sea creatures, especially resistant to ship maggot infestation is unattainable by other woods. Teak's deformation coefficient is the smallest among all timbers, and its strength can meet the requirements of various aspects. It is an excellent material for building harbors, ships, bridges, houses, floors, carriages, furniture, etc., and is one of the world's most valuable timber.
Real teak flooring has obvious ink lines and oil spots; fake teak flooring or no ink lines or ink lines shallow scattered.
True teak flooring exudes a special flavor, if the amount of teak or even the entire showroom is all teak, walk into the smell of this fragrance, the smell is very comfortable; and fake teak flooring is either unscented, or there is an unpleasant odor.
A drop of water in the teak flooring without paint, the real teak flooring water bead distribution will not penetrate; while the fake teak flooring on the water will be fast or slow penetration (teak flooring is rich in oil, water and oil are incompatible, so the real teak flooring water is not absorbed into the bead distribution). With paper towels to dry the water stains, will find that the real teak flooring on the water because it will not penetrate and the board has an oily smooth, water quickly dry, leaving no traces; and fake teak flooring because the water has penetrated and the surface is rough, water stains can not be dry, and there are paper shavings;
The floor will be put into the water after 24 hours of soaking to observe the changes, without any changes in the real teak floor; if the distortion, expansion and other deformation phenomena, it is a fake teak floor.
Take a small piece of dry flooring for burning, real teak flooring emits smoke thick and large, while the fake teak flooring is less.