Marine Supply Axial Fan

Marine Supply Axial Fan

Marine Supply Axial Fan is an important ventilation device that moves a gas or gas mixture in an axial direction. Compressed air or other gases are moved through a bearing-stacked rotor, which creates a stream of air and transports the air or gas. The operation of an axial fan solves many problems in the transportation of air, such as ventilation, drying, heating, cooling, dust removal, and material handling.


Working Principle:

When the rotor (impeller) of an axial fan rotates, the blades draw air in, the air is guided by the blades into the casing, the air is cut when the blades come into contact with the casing, and the air is discharged out of the end of the blades when the blades move to the end.

 The design and size of the blades determine the flow rate and performance of the fan. The thickness of the blades, the angle of the curved blades and the wheelbase of an axial fan affect the performance indicators of many devices, such as noise, temperature and a wide range of applications, whether they be in mechanical, electrical or chemical engineering.


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