Marine Storm Valve

Marine Storm Valve

Marine storm valve is a device used to prevent ships from entering water in large waves or bad weather. Its main function is to discharge sewage and rainwater out of the cabin, and prevent seawater from pouring into the cabin, which affects the stability and safety of the ship.                        



Marine storm valve is a safety equipment on the ship, its function is to prevent seawater from backing up, avoid seawater into the cabin and cabin, and protect the safety of the ship. Especially in big waves and bad weather, this function is more important. Due to the heavy weight of seawater, if a ship or boat cannot discharge it in time, it will not only affect the balance of the ship and the safety of the hull, but even cause shipwrecks. Therefore, the role of storm valve is indispensable in the safe operation of ships.

Working Principle

The working principle of the storm valve is actually very simple. When seawater enters the pipeline from the inlet, it flows to the valve body, if the valve is in the closed state, the valve will block the seawater from entering. When the valve is in the open state, seawater can flow into the inlet pipe and enter the cabin and the cabin. When the valve is closed, the anti-backwash device will contact the water surface to prevent seawater from backing up. The opening and closing of the storm valve is operated by electric motor or manually. Special attention should be paid to the fact that the storm valve must be kept in good operating condition and inspected and maintained regularly.


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