Marine Steam Heating Fan

Marine Steam Heating Fan

Marine steam heating fan heats cold outside air by flowing high temperature steam or hot water through the radiator section to raise the temperature of the room. Marine steam heating fan converts the heat in the water to the warmth of the wind by heating hot water. It consists of a heater, a fan, a controller and a shell that continuously provides warm air through a process of circulating heat and blowing air.



Boat type has a significant impact on heater power requirements. Generally speaking, various ship types have different heater power requirements. For example, a cargo ship needs to use a more powerful heater than a passenger ship for the same size of cabin. This is because cargo ships usually need to maintain a higher indoor temperature to ensure cargo quality and safety.

The greater the volume of air in the cabin, the greater the power of the heater required. In general, the power of the heater is proportional to the volume of the cabin.

Ambient temperature is also a factor that affects the power of the heater. In a low temperature environment, the heater needs to provide higher heat to maintain the temperature in the cabin.

The power size of a marine heater also needs to be considered for use in specific working conditions, such as high altitude sailing or use in windy waters, the heater power also needs to be increased.


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