Marine Gas Tight Damper

Marine Gas Tight Damper

Marine gas tight damper is a device used to control the air flow in industrial pipelines, the main function is to control and regulate the flow of gas in the pipeline, to keep the pipeline airtight, to prevent gas leakage. The principle of marine gas tight damper is to use the movable components inside the damper (e.g., rotating blade, moving plate, etc.) to control the size of the gas flow. When the gas flow passes through the damper, the flow rate is determined by the position and status of these components. At the same time, the sealing ring of the gas tight damper also serves to seal the duct.



1. Control the flow of gas: the gas tight damper can control the flow of gas according to the actual demand, to ensure the normal operation of the production process.

2. Keep the pipeline closed: the gas tight damper has reliable sealing performance, can prevent gas leakage, to ensure the safety of the production process.

3. energy saving and consumption reduction: through precise gas flow control, the gas tight damper can realize the purpose of energy saving and consumption reduction.


1. Good sealing performance, able to work normally under severe working environment such as high temperature, high pressure and corrosion.

2. High reliability, can maintain stable performance in long-term use.

3. Suitable for a variety of gases, with a wide range of applications.


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