Marine Forged Rudder Stock

Marine Forged Rudder Stock

The rudder stock is generally a forged part. Its lower part is connected with the rudder blade, and the upper part is connected with the steering device. It is an essential components in the marine industry, particularly for the steering systems of ships. They are responsible for transmitting the torque and forces necessary to control the direction of the vessel.


It is normally made from high-strength materials, typically alloys such as stainless steel or carbon steel, which provide superior mechanical properties. The forging process aligns the grain structure of the metal, enhancing its strength, toughness, and resistance to fatigue and impact. The marine forged rudder stocks can undergo various heat treatment processes to further enhance their mechanical properties, such as hardness and strength. Heat treatment also helps in relieving residual stresses induced during forging.

Features and Advantages:

High reliability, long service life

Good wear resistance

Excellent mechanical properties

High temperature resistance

Precise and accurate dimension

Enhanced structural integrity

It can be customized according to your needs.

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