Marine Flat Plate Rudder
The flat plate rudder is flat in profile, and its main body is a single board, so it is also a single plate rudder. The rudder blades are provided with alternating lateral stiffener arms on both sides to increase their strength. The resistance of the flat rudder is larger, and its rudder efficiency becomes worse with the increase of the rudder angle, which could lead to speed loss. It is usually used only on non-self-propelled boats, sailboats or small boats.
It consists of upper rudder stock, coupling flange, rudder stay, rudder plate, upper rudder pin, middle rudder pin, lower rudder pin and lower rudder stock. The rudder blade is made of a steel plate (or a piece of wood) and a laterally reinforced rudder bar (also known as the rudder arm). The flat rudder is simple in construction and is still widely used in small boats and river barges.
Simple structure, easy installation
Easy maintenance and inspection
Wide application to various ships and vessels
Adequate steering