Marine Electric Tunnel Thruster

Marine Electric Tunnel Thruster

Marine electric tunnel thruster is driven by an electric motor. It is also called marine bow thruster. It is also called marine bow thruster.

The function of the marine electric tunnel thruster It can make the ship safely and quickly close to the dock. When a ship with a tunnel thruster is near the pier, the number of tugs can be saved or no tugs can be used, thus reducing costs.


Low noise and vibration

High quality and durability

Easy maintenance and installation

Safe operation

High maneuverability


For full-container ships with large wind area, ro-ro ships or oil tankers with huge tonnage, ships are required to sail at low speed when passing through narrow channels or entering and leaving ports, but the rudder efficiency is very poor and it is difficult to meet the maneuvering requirements. After installing the marine tunnel thruster, the maneuvering performance of ships can be significantly improved. However, the effect of various tunnel thruster on improving ship maneuverability is closely related to ship speed. Usually at low speeds (generally not more than 5kn), the thrust effect produced by the tunnel thruster is better. With the increase of ship speed, the tunnel thrust will be lost due to the low pressure area behind the nozzle. This negative effect, initially not obvious, but when the ship speed is high, the impact is very significant.

Drawing for Marine Electric Tunnel Thruster

 Marine Electric Tunnel Thruster Drawing.jpg

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