Marine Composite Rock Wool Panel

Marine Composite Rock Wool Panel

Marine composite rock wool panels are a type of insulation panel specifically designed for use in marine environments. These panels are made from a combination of rock wool insulation material and a composite outer layer, which provides additional protection against moisture, corrosion, and other environmental factors commonly found in marine settings.


Application in Ship

Ship exterior and interior walls: for exterior and interior walls of ships, providing thermal, acoustic and fire protection.

Cabin partitions: used to create fire and acoustic internal partitions.

Ceilings and Decks: Provide thermal and fire protection while increasing structural strength.

Cabins and Control Rooms: Used where a high degree of sound and fire protection is required, such as in cabins and control rooms.

Living and public areas: Provide a comfortable environment in passenger and crew living areas.


Thermal Insulation

The low thermal conductivity of rock wool makes these panels highly effective in maintaining stable temperatures inside marine vessels and structures, improving energy efficiency.

Fire Resistance

Rock wool is inherently non-combustible, capable of withstanding very high temperatures. This provides crucial fire protection, helping to prevent the spread of fire and increasing overall safety.

Acoustic Insulation

The dense structure of rock wool provides excellent sound absorption, reducing noise levels significantly. This is particularly important in marine environments where noise reduction is crucial for comfort and communication.


The combination of rock wool core and robust metal facings ensures that these panels are durable, resistant to mechanical damage, moisture, and corrosion, which are common in marine environments.

Picture of Marine Composite Rock Wool Panel

Marine Composite Rock Wool Panel1.jpg

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