Marine Bollard for Panama Canal Renovation
All Bollard for the Panamax Plus and New Panamax vessels shall be capable of withstanding a SWL of 90 tons (883kN) in towing operations and a minimum SWL of 64 tons (628 kN) in mooring operations from any direction, in accordance with OP Notice to Shipping No. N-1 (Vessel Requirements).At the same time, during the renovation of the Panama Canal, most people normally use ISO 13795-2012 Welded Double Bollard through the Panama Canal.
ISO13795 double bollard:
ISO 13795-2012 Welded Double Bollard is a type of maritime structure used for mooring ships and other vessels. It consists of two bollards, typically made of steel, that are welded together to form a single unit. Double bollards provide increased stability and strength compared to single bollards, making them suitable for securing larger vessels or in areas with higher mooring loads.