Marine Bilge Water Incinerator
Marine bilge water incinerator is an important environmental protection equipment on ships, mainly used to handle various types of waste generated on board.
It has the following several main characteristics and functions:
Efficient treatment: It can quickly burn the waste into ashes and harmless gases, reducing the volume and weight of the waste.
Environmental compliance: It strictly complies with the environmental protection regulations of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) to ensure that the pollutant emissions generated during the combustion process are controlled within the prescribed standards.
Multiple waste treatment capabilities: It can handle various types of waste, including but not limited to domestic garbage, waste oil, oily sludge, bilge water, medical waste, etc.
The working principle of the marine incinerator is usually as follows:
The waste is put into the combustion chamber of the incinerator and burns under high temperature conditions. The thermal energy generated by combustion can be partially recycled and utilized, such as for heating water or generating steam. The exhaust gas after combustion is purified and discharged into the atmosphere, and the ashes can be collected and properly treated.
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Technical Data
Heat Capacity: 1,285,700 kCal/h (1495kW)
Incinerator Capacity:
Solid waste feeding: 600L/charge
Waste Oi: 171L L/h with bilge water 162L/h without bilge water
Bilge water: 237L/h
Liquid waste containing max. water less than 50%
Diesel Consumption: 18-36 L/h
Power consumption: 31kW
Dimensions & Weight:
1000C: 2926 x 1807 x 2140mm 4450Kg
Flue gas fan with frequency inverter: DN500 & 695Kg
Advantages and Characteristics
● This equipment has a large heat capacity, small overall size, safe and reliable performance. The flue gas discharged after the incineration of waste is colorless and odorless. The remaining trace ash is non-toxic and sterile, and will not cause secondary pollution. The entire incinerator is of detachable structure, which is easy to install and maintain.
● This equipment is easy to operate and has automatic operation control and remote monitoring at the same time. The entire combustion process is automatically monitored, adjusted and incineration controlled by PLC throughout the process. The furnace temperature and flue gas temperature are automatically adjusted within the set range.
● To ensure safe use, this equipment is equipped with a complete set of safety protection devices.
● This incinerator complies with Annex V and VI of MARPOL 73/78 Convention and IMO MEPC.244(66) resolution, has obtained EU EC certification, and has been recognized by classification societies such as CCS, DNV, GL, ABS, LR, USCG, etc.
Bilge water injection function
The bilge water injection function will reduce the load on the oil-water separator by utilizing the heat from the combustion of sludge oil generated by burning sludge with low water content. Due to the high operating temperature inside the incinerator, our marine incinerator has a unique ability to handle bilge water injection. To achieve this, a well-balanced and well-ventilated incinerator is required; otherwise, a large amount of marine diesel would be needed as auxiliary fuel to raise the temperature back to the higher temperature required for incinerators with lower operating temperatures.
Some of our other incinerator models can also be retrofitted with the bilge water injection function.
Production Technical Parameters
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