Marine Anemometer

Marine Anemometer

Marine anemometer is used to measure and indicate the speed of the wind on a ship or a marine vessel. It plays a crucial role in maritime operations, providing sailors with real-time information about wind speed. We can provide you three series products: AM series, Mi9000/SR series, AMC series. All these products meet the performance and functional requirements of ISO standards, and approved by CCS.


General features

  • Relative/True wind direction & speed

  • Anti high temperature, humidity and air pressure

  • Alarm of wind speed/temperature/humidity

  • Data print out with optional printer

  • High precision, high reliability, no blind spots in 360 degree, bot affected bu bad weather

  • No starting wind speed of traditional equipment, no mechanical maintenance


AM series

Display AM706D IP23

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Optional sensor

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Optional accessories

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Mi9000/SR series

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AMC series

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