Marble Non-Slip Floor Ceramic Tile

Marble Non-Slip Floor Ceramic Tile

Marble Non-Slip Floor Ceramic Tile in the texture, color, texture, feel and visual effect completely to achieve the realistic effect of natural marble, decorative effect is even better than natural stone, marble tiles by virtue of realistic decorative effect and superior practical performance to win the majority of consumers, has developed into one of the mainstream products in the field of ceramic tile.



1. Tiles can be cleaned with detergent and washing powder.

2. Soapy water with a little ammonia and turpentine mixture, cleaning tiles can make tiles more shiny.

3. It should be waxed on a regular basis, the time interval of 2-3 months is appropriate.

4. Tile surface such as scratches, you can smear toothpaste on the scratches, wipe with a dry cloth can be repaired.

5. With a toothbrush dipped in a small amount of stain removal cream can be skillfully removed from the ceramic tile crevices in the dirt. Brick and brick crevices can be used from time to time to remove dirt cream, and then brush a layer of waterproofing agent in the crevices, can prevent the growth of mold.


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