Male Stud Couplings

Male Stud Couplings

Male Stud Couplings are widely used in transportation systems for fluids such as water, oil, and gas in industries such as construction, petrochemicals, chemicals, papermaking, and pharmaceuticals.In the field of architecture, end to end connectors are often used to connect water supply and drainage pipelines, ensuring smooth water flow and improving building quality; In industries such as petrochemicals and chemicals, end to end fittings can withstand high pressure and corrosive media, ensuring the stability and safety of pipeline systems.



1. Quick connection: The quick connection feature of the end-to-end connector can greatly improve work efficiency and save labor costs.

2. Easy to install: Compared to traditional threaded connection methods, end straight connectors have smaller installation space and difficulty, and can be easily installed and disassembled.

3. Reversibility: End to end connectors have reversibility and will not damage the pipeline when disassembling or replacing it, making it convenient for subsequent maintenance.

4. High strength: The design of the bayonet structure and sealing ring of the end through joint gives it high pressure bearing capacity and corrosion resistance.

5. Scope of application: End to end connectors are widely used in urban water management, municipal construction, industrial pipelines, and other fields.


1. Confirm the usage scenario and medium of the connector, and select the corresponding material and model.

2. During installation, it is necessary to first clean the impurities and dirt inside the pipe ends and joints to ensure installation quality.

3. During installation, pay attention to adjusting the joint position and thread direction to ensure the correct installation direction.

4. During use, it is necessary to regularly check whether the end straight connector is stable and whether there is any leakage.


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