Magnesium Ribbon Anode for Cathodic Protection
Magnesium ribbon anode is suitable for cathodic protection in high resistivity soil, fresh water and special parts with narrow space. Such as long-distance pipelines in soil or fresh water, inner wall of buried pipeline casing, large storage tanks and pipe networks, and underground cables.
Implementing standards
GB/T17731-2009 Magnesium Alloy Sacrificial Anode.
GB/T21448-2008 Technical Specification for Cathodic Protection of Buried Steel Pipelines.
Product Features
Magnesium tape sacrificial anode is produced using high quality high purity magnesium, extruded by a specific process, the anode has excellent electrochemical properties. Because magnesium tape has a large area-to-mass ratio, it is capable of generating larger currents than the usual cast anodes, and these characteristics can make it have unique applications in cathodic protection engineering.
(1) Adjustable length for easy bending.
(2) Large area-to-mass ratio;
(3) Convenient construction and installation in narrow space;
(4) Small footprint, low engineering costs.
(5) Suitable for high resistivity environment.
Picture of Magnesium Ribbon Anode for Cathodic Protection