Know Your Fire Monitor Type Code

Know Your Fire Monitor Type Code

Fire monitor is a device spraying fire extinguishing media in the form of jet at a flow rate of the water-foam mixture usually larger than16L/s. Fire monitors come in various models and configurations, each designed for specific applications and conditions. By decoding the type code, you can quickly identify the key features, capabilities, and suitable uses of your fire monitor. 


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Type code

PS— Fire water monitor

PP— Fire foam monitor

PF— Dry podwer fire monitor

PM— Impulse air pressure fire monitor

PL—Dual-agent fire monitor 

PZ— Combined fire monitor


Feature code

KD— electric controlled fire monitor

KY— liquid-controlled fire monitor

KQ— air-controlled fire monitor

Y— mobile fire monitor 

Fixed fire monitor


Main parameter

fire monitor main parameter.png

A fire monitor has various rated operating conditions, with the main parameters separated by "·". For combined fire monitors or dual-purpose fire monitors, the parameters for water, foam mixture, and dry powder should be listed in sequence. If two parameters are the same, they should be marked only once.

For flow-adjustable fire monitors, the parameters for the maximum rated operating condition should be indicated.

PSKD20 electric controlled fire monitor.jpg

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