How to use a Flow Meter?
Maintenance and cleaning, regular maintenance helps keep the meter accurate. This may include cleaning the sensor, checking for blockages, and ensuring the meter is free from corrosion or buildup.
Key Features
Installation: Properly install the flow meter in the pipe or system where you need to measure flow. Ensure the meter is compatible with the fluid type, temperature, pressure, and pipe size. Common installation types include inline, clamp-on, and insertion, depending on the meter type.
Calibration: Before initial use, calibrate the flow meter to ensure accurate readings. This may involve setting the zero flow point and adjusting the scale based on the meter’s specifications. Regular recalibration is also recommended for accuracy over time.
Power and Connections: Connect the flow meter to the power source, if needed, and set up any required connections, such as digital or analog output connections, for data logging or remote monitoring.