How To Release a Throw-Over Inflatable Life Raft?
In preparation for the launching liferafts, care must be taken that the life raft clears outboard hazards such as overboard discharges, rubbing bands, stabilisers etc.Identify the best location to launch the life raft, typically the leeward side of the vessel to avoid wind and waves.
1. Unfasten the slip hook and all securing of the life raft. REMEMBER the painter should be made fast to a strong point onboard (this may be the Hydrostatic Release Unit).
2. When the ship sinks and it is too late to release the life raft, the hydrostatic release unit will release the blade to cut off the nylon rope in the water depth of 1.5~4m, and the life raft will escape from the raft cradle and automatically float.
3. Remove the detachable railings.
4. The raft is removed from the cradle and thrown overboard.
5. Haul in the painter to approximate length of 25m, and then give a sharp pull and the raft will inflate.
6. To board the raft – keep the raft to the ship’s side by means of the painter. Then jump on to it or jump into the water and swim out to it. Remember – ensure that you do not have nails in your shoes,or any sharp pointed object that could damage the raft. Ensure footwear does not have any sharp objects protruding. Do not jump into the liferaft from a height of more than 3 meters and into the water from a height greater than 6meters. It is best to climb down into the liferaft from a ladder.
7. To help survivors in the water to board the raft – use the rescue quoits provided in the raft.
8. When all persons are on board, haul in as much painter as possible inboard and cut the painter. Knives are provided in the raft.
9. Drift away from the danger area and then throw out the sea anchor.
10. If the raft inflates upside down, the raft can be turned around by standing on the gas cylinder and hauling at the cord provided at the base of the raft.